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Metallic Objects, Reflecting Light

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An Inuit Ambassadress

Two members of the Schwatka expedition, the American journalist Henry Gilder and the german speaking cartographer and drawer Heinrich Klutschak, published their reports and experiences in the 1880ies. Being able to read the reports in their original language, I started to wonder about the differences. In my opinion, Gilder's interpretation is more audacious, and therefore his views and values become apparent in the text itself. As an example, I chose a  "ceremony of opening communication" , as he puts it. In an Inlet of Richardson point or Nu-oo-tar-ro, how he transcribed the Inuit name for the place, the party met some Netsilingmiut for the first time:  The ceremony of opening communication was similar to that with the Ooquee-sik-silliks a few days before, with the exception that instead of remaining in their igloos the men were drawn up in line of battle in front of them, and sent out an old woman to find out who we were and what we wanted. If our designs had be...

How objects, once trapped in ice, can become "icebreakers" themselves

In 1879, the Cincinnati publisher Charles Francis Hall told the interested reader of his monography, Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition Made by Charles F. Hall, a most dramatic story. He heard it while searching for the third Franklin expedition in the North of the Canadian Arctic, today called Nunavut. With his Inuk translator, Taqulittuq, he interviewed Ook-bar-loo, an Aivilingmiut woman, who told him the story of Ad-lark and how she found a pocket watch: "The body of this man was lying on one side, and was half imbedded in solid ice from head to feet. The way the chain was about the neck and running down one side of the body indicated that the watch was beneath it; and therefore, to get at the watch, she found a difficult and disagreeable task before her.[...] She was very careful not to touch any part of the body while pounding with the sharp stone. At last, after having pounded away the ice from around and under the body, her husband helped her to lift it out of its ic...