On October 5th, 1849, the London Evening Standard printed a letter from the Truelove`s owner, Thos. Ward, addressing the Admiralty with the account of Captain Parker. I will cite the whole letter published, but will not comment it any further at this moment.
"The following gratifying letter has been this day received at the Admiralty, from the owner of the vessel which yesterday brought to Hull the welcome news respecting the missing voyagers: –
Hull, Oct. 4, 1849
Sir, – I had the satisfaction of making a short communication this morning by telegraph, relative to Sir John Franklin`s expedition. I have now to forward for the inspection of their lordships the Admiralty chart of Baffin`s Bay, & c., which Capt, [sic] Parker, of the Truelove, has put into my hands, together with his remarks, which will, perhaps, convey better information than any lengthened detail of mine; and a rough sketch made by an Esquimaux, given to Capt. Ker, of the Chieftain, who handed it over to Parker.
It appears that the Chieftain and other ships got to Pond`s Bay a day or two before the Truelove; immediately they reached that place, some of the natives went on board, and without questioning, the man drew the sketch, and by signs and in words of his own language, understood by the masters of the whalers, stated that two of the ships had been frozen up for four years on the west side of Prince Regent`s Inlet, and that the other two of the ships had been frozen up on the east side for one year – that the two ships which had been there the longest had tried to get beyond Cape Rennell, but not being able, had come intro Prince Regent`s Inlet to winter, where the ice had not broken up since – that he and his companions had been on board all the four ships in March last, and they were then safe. After receiving this account from the Chieftain, Mr. Parker turned his attention to the endeavour to reach Prince Regent`s Inlet, or at any rate to examine Lancaster`s Sound, for the purpose of giving such information as might be obtainable of the state of the country, & c., and of using his utmost efforts to carry out the instructions of their Lordships. He accordingly left his fishing ground of Scott`s Bay, and proceeded north on the 22d July, on the passage to Lancaster`s Sound, and having met with the Advice, of Dundee, Capt. Penny (with whom he was in friendly terms), agreed to accompany him. At the time both the ships were well fished, the Truelove having 145 tons of oil on board, and the Advice 140 tons; but the masters judged (and rightly too) that although the risk was great with such valuable cargos on board, they would be disgraced if the attempt were not made to render all the assistance, which they were capable of doing.
On the 5th August they got as far as Croker`s Bay, where they were stopped by a solid body of ice, stretching across the straits to Admiralty Inlet; an no water being visible to the westward, they were compelled to return, coming close in with the edge of ice, and on 8th of August Mr. Parker landed a cask of preserved meats and 30 bags of coals (which had been sent on boards by Lady Franklin) upon Cape Hay, deposited the letters, cylinders & c., according to the instructions of their lordships, and having erected a high pole to attract the attention of the ships or boats of their way back to the fishing ground, which they reached on the 17th August.
I trust their lordships will consider that this attempt to reach the expeditions may be worthy of favourable consideration, and be disposed to recommend some compensation for the risk run and the loss of time occasioned thereby; but this is a point which the present is not a fitting time to urge, and I merely allude to it, lest it might be imagined that any future application was an afterthought not worthy of notice.
The innumerable interruptions arising from the anxious inquiries of the public generally, on the subject which so long has interested them, must be my apology for any errors or omissions which I may have made; and all that I would venture to add is the expression of my earnest hopes that this information, however imperfect, may ultimately lead to the adoption of such steps as may extricate those brave men from a state of danger and difficulty.
If their lordships wish for further information, or to submit specific questions, my humble endeavours shall be used to obtain correct answers; and if they would prefer that Mr. Parker should attend in London, he is ready to do so, on receiving orders to that effect.
I am respectfully, Sir,
your most obedient Servant,
Thos. Ward,
Owner of the “Truelove”."
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